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Rules of the School

Always act with humility: Martial arts has always been, and will always remain a fantastic activity to take part in. Through it, we develop such confidence that, if displayed incorrectly, will be mistaken for arrogance. 


I believe that the majority of martial artists are humble. In fact, the more proficient we  get at fighting, the more humble we should be. There is always a better fighter out there. In case we ever run into this person, we should be ready.


If a student is to take on a new club, school, and teacher, he or she should be ready to accept the style of teaching the school offers and realise the commitment involved. If one attends with a lot of stuff already in their head, how can they be taught? How can YOU, a prospective student of this School, be taught? It's absolutely fine to bring your ideas about the training to your lessons and indeed any previous martial arts experience that you have.


From the start, and throughout your training, act with humility but also with a positive mindset. It is the best way to learn the system quickly!


If you book a Consultation, make sure you attend: It is a free consultation, so worth your time. Please understand that a lesson may have been moved to fit your consultation in. So if you book it, attend. Do not waste your time or that of the School.


Minimum expectations: Students should be able to make it to class at least one hour per week (or fortnight at the outside).


There are benefits for those who do train regularly and work hard inbetween lessons:-:


  • Will improve their standard more quickly

  • Will get through more gradings (provided standard is good enough - note that more lessons does not necessarily mean you will pass any quicker)

  • Will actually achieve something by making sure goals stay realistic


Why it is important you attend lessons that you book: Instructors who teach groups do not have to be concerned with attendance. A class of 5 students is less income than a class of 20, but the next class they run will most likely more than cover that.


Personal tuition offered at this school relies on one student coming for one lesson at one time. It is important students understand this; as one missed lesson is not so much a problem. But if ten students missed their lesson that particular week, it becomes a problem. So be certain that this kind of training is what you want to do. You can do anything else you wish outside of class, but if you start training at the school, take it seriously. 


If you do not train between lessons, or do not attempt to make up missed lessons, it is not going to work, realistically. Be part of the group above. A lesson every 7-14 days should be relatively easy to maintain.


Punctuality: Please be on time for your lesson. Whilst you may have understandable reasons for being late, in many cases, due to the instructor's schedule, this may impact on the next lesson the instructor is teaching.


If running late - please call / text to say so (ensure it is safe to do so before using your phone)


If you are late for lessons: We all live in a busy world, so things like work, traffic, collecting children from school can all impact on your ability to arrive on time. However, for the day of your lesson, do your best to make it, as it may not be possible to over run your lesson if you are late. If you are taught for your full lesson, despite being late, it remains at the instructor's discretion only and cannot be expected to be the norm.


Cancelling lessons: Plan your week ahead. Please give one week's notice if you need to cancel a lesson, so that the instructor can offer the time slot to another student  - it should not be assumed that there is another student available for the slot you have just vacated. Sometimes this is unavoidable and the instructor will understand that, and work with you to ensure you manage to keep up with your syllabus.


If you give one week's notice you will not be charged, but you will be expected to make up the lesson time the next time that you train. It may take the form of two 1 hour lessons, or one 2 hour lesson. 


Lesson payments and pre-payments cannot be carried over to the next week or month. You must take that lesson within seven days or it will be lost. There are no exceptions to this rule, and no refunds are given.


If you have a regular slot but miss it, it is probable a student who has been waiting for that slot will be offered it in your place. You will appreciate that the School has to maintain a regular income to a) keep going and b) keep costs down. It is just a case of if you have booked a slot, you should be there. 


However, if you miss your slot, you may be moved to another time / and or day until such time that your preferred slot becomes available again. It is not intended to punish students who for whatever reason, miss a lesson. On the is intended to maximise the School's operating efficiency.


If the School is not doing its quota of lessons, it could not be said to be running effectively. The School is here for you, ready to teach you - so be sure you are ready to be taught.


To quote my first instructor 'take it seriously, or give up'. That could be said to be a rule for life.


Appearance: For those that wear traditional uniform, this should be clean and ironed. You should wear your grading belt / sash at each lesson. Your finger nails should be kept short, and jewellery is to be kept to a minimum.


Remittance: Pay for your lesson, grading, license and other things promptly.


Respect: Your training is to benefit you in more ways than just fitness or the ability to fight. Your instructor has over 20 years experience in martial arts, so adhere to what he says and instructs:-

  • Martial arts is for self defence only - you never attack first, in thought or action

  • The good martial artist is good not only in how he or she dedicates themselves to their art, but also how they deal with things in life

  • The good martial artist will show respect to others and be tolerant of others

  • The good martial artist aims to improve every aspect of his / her life, and should be an inspiration for everyone they meet


License: A student's license is not a license to use martial arts techniques acquired from the School. The instructor can request the license be returned at any time and if any students are adjudged by the instructor to have used their skills improperly, they may be asked to leave the School.


Tournaments: To be asked to compete on behalf of the School is an honour. In the majority of cases, students will be offered the chance to compete in the School's annual tournament. An offer is based on how regular you train, your current medical status, rank, and passing the safety factor. Safety refers to how controlled you are as a fighter - tournaments offer an arena to show your skill - not to hurt others. If you think it is not 'real fighting' this is your view and you are entitled to it. Please compete elsewhere.


If you are having issues maintaining your training: Please discuss with the instructor. Do not simply quit. If you decide to end your training for whatever reason, it would be a courtesy to the school, other students and to the instructor to let him know and understand why. Perhaps you will find that by discussing it with the instructor, an option you may not have considered will present itself. Your decision will always be respected.




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