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Jeet Kune Do


Our Classes
We teach the original style of Jeet Kune Do "Jun Fan", as devised by Bruce Lee. (We do not teach the spin-off version of Jeet Kune Do as devised by Dan Inosanto - it's just not the same).
It is desirable if you have a grounding in martial arts generally before starting training in this system, but even if you do not, we teach you fundamentals that you need to know in order to get to grips with this demanding system.
So you can still expect to learn stances and positioning, even though Jeet Kune Do is free from such concepts.
About Jeet Kune Do:
Devised by Bruce Lee to free the martial artist from fixed positions and stances, but to also offer a system that allows the fighter to be invasive and intercepting in nature, as opposed to many styles which place higher emphasis on defence.
The core of Jeet Kune Do is the Wing Chun style of Kung Fu, and a student who has a good grounding in Wing Chun will find it easier to pick Jeet Kune Do up. However, the original concept was to have a style without boundaries or limits, and so, when I teach it, that is what you learn.
The system I teach is based on Bruce Lee's system of fighting and methodology. Accordingly, there is no grading system, instead are five levels of proficiency that the student should reach before moving on. The original system had three ranks before Bruce Lee in effect did away with them.
This is in-keeping with Bruce Lee's words that belts or sashes are practically worthless, it is just in pure fighting can someone prove themselves, not by the colour worn around the waist.
A Different Style of Fighting
Jeet Kune Do relies on many primary or leading techniques, for example, you will often kick with your front leg or punch with your front fist to quickly and constantly put pressure on your opponent.
We utilise rear leg / arm techniques too of course, but Jeet Kune Do really frees the martial artists from 'you must be in this stance' or 'you must always punch / kick / move / stand etc etc like this'.
That is not to say that there are no stances. This is where the core elements of Wing Chun Kung Fu kick in. If your stance is good, you have less chance of being taken down. Wing Chun does not really rely on take downs so with Jeet Kune Do, it borrows from many systems including:-
Savate, Muay Thai Kick Boxing, Karate, Ju Jitsu, Kali, Boxing, Fencing and of course, Wing Chun Kung Fu.
Weapons, Flexibility and Training Devices
We do use all sorts of weapons in this system including nunchuks, butterfly swords/knives and bo (staff). You have to be quite proficient before starting on these but your Jeet Kune Do will be good enough in the sense that 'you' are the 'weapon'.
Weapon training adds a different dimension to your skill in Jeet Kune Do.
Flexibility, whilst not crucial at first, becomes more important as time goes on. To improve this we use training bags, focus pads and flexibility training bands in order to get you where you need to be. Often students say they are not so flexible but the ability of any and everyone can be improved.
The Wooden Dummy is the centrepiece of Jeet Kune Do training. You cannot hope to get your hand speed lightning fast or conditioning of your arms and body strong without it. So expect a good part of your lesson on this vital tool.
Sparring is an important part of most martial arts systems but especially so in Jeet Kune Do. If you train well in application but cannot do it in sparring, what is the use?
I've trained with some excellent Jeet Kune Do instructors over the years who have a link back to Bruce Lee himself but I would like to say that this is less important to me because I do not think it is a good thing to 'hang onto the coat-tails' of long dead masters. The question really is, can the teacher instruct you well in an authentic system so that you become the martial artist you wish to be? This program is my second most popular program - does that answer your question?
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