The 1-2-1 School
of Martial Arts Birmingham
Sang Dong Bin & Other Articles
Article #2 End Fights in Seconds
Publication date: 19th March 2019
Previous Article #1 Sang Dong Bin Next >> #3 Losing Motivation
How long should a fight last? In modern boxing contests, bouts can last for 12 rounds, or thirty-six minutes. In martial arts terms, most rounds are of a two or three minute duration, and in MMA / UFC bouts, the rounds are typically five minutes.
So we are conditioned to expect a fight to last a certain amount of time. In the 1980s, a prime Mike Tyson ended many of his fights within seconds - 90 or less (just ask Michael Spinks).
My last 'real world' street fight lasted a matter of seconds. Some might call me a kung fu master, but you can be your own master, with no ego attached to yourself whatsoever.
The news is littered with negative stories every day. Do not become a statistic just because you were caught out unawares. The true fighter is a man who is at peace with himself, and is always in a state of relaxed awareness. This means that when he is involved in an altercation, the skills he has been working on for hours, weeks, months, years and decades can be called upon instantly to do the job they were designed for.
So for those of you out there who think Wing Chun wouldn't work on the street, or that Tae Kwon Do only looks good at the Olympics, or indeed that a kickboxer could not implement his ring art into a street fight situation - just look at yourselves for a moment.
When people talk big, they say things like 'I could beat him up,' but it is a rather blanket statement. Such words are in their head. I would want to know how long it would take them to beat their hypothetical foe into submission. Would a UFC fighter try to take someone to ground? Would a high kicking Shaolin practitioner attempt a flying head kick if they were attacked on a height? These factors would affect the length of the fight.
You need to get your opponent into a place where he is vulnerable. If you are vulnerable to ground attacks, you had better be skilled when upright. If your blocks are weak but you have one move that you have pretty much perfected, you had better land it. There is not perfect time. The longer the fight goes on, the more chance you have of losing. When it comes to street fighting, there are no rounds. There's no cut man. There's no 'waiting for your opponent to get tired.' There's only the 'now.'
Something to think about:-
Ask yourself what move do you possess that could end a fight in seconds, or combination of moves. What single move or combination could you work on today that would help you to get closer to that goal - WHOEVER you fight and in WHATEVER circumstance, are you absolutely clear you could end the fight in seconds?
Further reading:- Books Page
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